There’s something about the change of season that’s incredibly inspiring. Yes, in a few months we’ll be shivering over coffees and cursing the ice on our windscreens before we begin the morning work commute, but for now, those crisp mornings make me feel as though I’m standing at the edge of something, waiting for magic to happen…
It’s a time of transformation, which is why I thought that there would be no better moment than now to introduce our programmes. After all, although SearchSpecifics TRANSEARCH Africa specializes in identifying the individual who will take your organization into the stratosphere, we’re also well-placed at providing training to enhance the skills of the entire team, with a range of programmes covering all aspects of corporate life. Here’s what’s on offer.
- Diversity and transformation
I continue to be fascinated by the complex dynamics within South African organisations. Not that we can be blamed: as a country grappling with the differences of race and culture, we are now presented with new challenges as younger generations enter the workplace, bringing with them their own demands – many of which may seem alien to their older colleagues. At the same time, we’re faced with the nuances of creating cohesive teams from individuals with differing levels of education and socio-economic standing – and that’s before we factor disability, religion and gender into the mix.
This course isn’t about plastering over the differences so that team members can relate to each other, at least at a superficial level. Rather, it’s about learning about each other in a meaningful way so that these differences can be appreciated for the richness they bring to an organization. Taking place within the context of a supportive and accepting environment, delegates learn to move beyond tolerance. The result is a more harmonious organization, where teams thrive because of the authentic relationships between members.
- Change management
The leading organisations of today are all significantly different in their background, scope, and even product offering – but what they all have in common is resilience. This characteristic is key in an operating environment which is subject to constant change.
Through this programme, your company leaders will learn to cultivate this essential quality while helping others get to grips with change. It’s about teaching your workforce how to embrace the new – whether that pertains to entering a new market, adopting a new business model, or introducing new processes – to ensure success and sustainability.
- Executive on-boarding
Did you know that, according to research by Forbes, as many as 40% of executives who change roles or receive promotions fail within the first 18 months?
It’s a surprising statistic, not least because an enormous amount of resources are invested into identifying the best person for the job. So, what goes wrong?
Often, the answer lies in the fact that – whether from a cultural, social or professional perspective – individuals feel less than equal to their new challenge. This programme is designed to overcome this notion: we concentrate on helping new leaders identify their strengths, address their weaknesses, and identify the relationships that will be key to their success. Finally, we equip them with the competencies required for success by formulating goal-oriented task and providing feedback through regular reviews. The benefits are clear, and not only for the individual: your company will also be spared the massive expense that follows executive failure.
- Performance results coaching
We believe that, with the right coaching, anyone can be an achiever.
But what, exactly, is the right coaching? That depends on the individual; everyone has different drivers, which means that while some people may be motivated by personal success, others may be inspired by the idea of serving their communities. What makes our programme unique is the compassion with which we listen to individuals as they reveal their drivers, using these as a foundation to help leaders transform from their current standing to where they would like to be, becoming more effective in the process.
- Outplacement
The loss of a job is extremely traumatic: apart from the financial implications, individuals are often faced with a sense of worthlessness and, perhaps most damaging, a lack of faith in their own abilities. And yet, this is a reality that faces many people in a struggling economy.
This programme helps individuals face the challenge of job loss, taking practical steps that will make it easier to find new employment. Our first step is to review the individual’s career track; from there, we conduct an evaluation and assist with writing a new resume. We assist where up-skilling is necessary through developing interviewing skills; providing guidance so that individuals are able to mine their networks and promote themselves through social media, ensuring they are well-placed to find new opportunities.
We’re looking forward to discussing how your organization – and employees – can benefit from these programmes. For more details, visit