Corporate Social Investment

Corporate Social Investment 2019-10-10T07:52:30+00:00

SearchSpecifics TRANSEARCH Africa is acutely aware of its responsibility to the community. As an executive search firm actively seeking specialised skills we understand that our candidates received remarkable education that allows them to be considered for their roles. To that end, education is core to our CSR strategy.

The Minister of Basic Education Mrs Angie Motshekga released the 2011 Statement of the Annual National Assessments (ANA) Results. The ANA results read as follows, “In Grade 3, the national average performance in Literacy, stands at 35%. In Numeracy our learners are performing at an average of 28%. Provincial performance in these two areas is between 19% and 43%, the highest being the Western Cape, and the lowest being Mpumalanga. In Grade 6, the national average performance in Languages is 28%. For Mathematics, the average performance is 30%. Provincial performance in these two areas ranges between 20% and 41%, the highest being the Western Cape, and the lowest being Mpumalanga. In terms of the different levels of performance, in Grade 3, 47% of learners achieved above 35% in Literacy, and 34% of learners achieved above 35% in numeracy. In the case of Grade 6, 30% of learners achieved above 35% in Languages, and 31% of learners achieved above 35% in Mathematics. This performance is something that we expected given the poor performance of South African learners in recent international and local assessments. But now we have our own benchmarks against which we can set targets and move forward.”

Zinhle Matentji’s passion for youth education was born from the opportunity she received from her family to attend school. Additionally, Matentji’s mom is a high school teacher and constantly shares with her the challenges of the public education system and the needs of school children. ‘Literacy saves lives, it’s that simple.’

Currently, Matentji serves as one of the Board of Directors of help2read, an organisation whose vision is for all primary children are literate and enjoy reading.

help2read accomplishes this by recruiting, training and supporting literate adult volunteers from local communities to help disadvantaged primary school children who struggle to read. Since its inception in 2005, 6271 children have been helped. The organisation has offices in both Johannesburg and Cape Town. Please visit to get involved.